NONMEM PK/PD program for Clinical Research Data Analysis

The customer wanted to migrate the existing Population Pharmaco- Kinetic/ Pharmaco-Dynamic data analysis application as a cloud based computing solution, rather than having the solutions running on the local environment for the users.

They were also looking forward to increase the numerical stability and accuracy of the following estimation models/Methods supported by the product.

  • EM and Monte Carlo Methods
  • Iterative Two Stage (ITS) Method
  • Monte Carlo Importance Sampling EM
  • Monte Carlo Importance Sampling EM Assisted by Mode a Posteriori (MAP) estimation
  • Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM) Method
  • Full Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Bayesian Analysis Method
  • Monte Carlo Direct Sampling
How we have helped our customer?
  • Facilitated the end user to choose the cloud facility (if required ) with the system for execution (Windows/ Linux) and type of execution (sequential/parallel). This helped them in controlling the spending on hardware.
  • Increased accuracy of results by doubling precision
  • Improved numerical stability by replacing old IMSL routines with new IMSL routines.

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