Despite the turbulent global economic conditions, earnings of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) have reached new heights. Such customers expect customized and focused advisory service with timely updates on their investments from the asset management and wealth management firms.
Wealth Management IT firms look for personalized technology offerings that fulfill individual customer needs as well as differentiate the services from their competitors. As demands for digital services from clients are increasing, organizations are looking for modern, turnkey solutions to address demands. Nous works with leading Asset and Wealth Management firms to provide business consulting and transformation services delivering tailored customer experience across the value chain. In partnership with leading software vendors, we provide implementation, testing and support of Wealth Management Technology Solutions covering a wide range of functional areas including risk management, portfolio management, performance measurement, revenue management, trade, order management, and business analytics & reporting services.
Our front office solution has dynamic features that makes it a powerful decision making tool for Wealth Management IT Managers, stockbrokers and fund managers. It can easily interface with any back office system via a standard xml interface. It has pre-trade compliance triggered at all stages of an order with real-time capital gains tax calculations.
Back office solution takes care of services ranging from advanced portfolio management to complex investment order routing, highly configurable administration processing and third-party settlement and banking connectivity.
With the increasing regulatory pressure on the financial services sector, the customer acquisition process undergoes lot of documentation checks, identity checks and KYC requirements. Our wealth management technology solutions efficiently open accounts with focus on data accuracy and moves customers through the process and boosts customer service experience.
Nous empowered a major core banking implementation partner with an end-to-end BASEL II compliance reporting system that eliminated their manual reporting efforts and erroneous risk calculations.
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